Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bonus Checks...should we take them back?

There has been a lot of comment lately on the bonus checks issue at AIG. A lot of people are saying that we should tax them at 90 to 100%, or that we should make them give the checks back, etc. etc.

Hey, I'm no fan of giving these folks our hard earned tax payer money. I'm just concerned about the negative environment that is being built up right now for businesses.

The other day I was at a dinner with friends, and one of the guests said that he thought that we could fix the problem by making it so that all bonus checks had to be paid out over a ten year period. I laughed and then asked him if he had ever had employees...

As a business owner, I want the flexibility of being able to pay my people enough to get the good workers onboard, but not so much that it is no longer worth my while to take the risk of being a business owner.

What do you think should be done about these bonus checks?

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