Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What the Tweet is Twitter?

Ok, I finally caved into peer pressure and I got a Twitter account. Kathe was already taken so I was forced to use KatheKline, even though I'm going to be changing my name someday because I got married. I guess I'll deal with that when I have to.

I found out that somebody had already twittered about my blog. I hope I have the terminology right. I'm not sure if I'm using the right words. Anyway, I'm going to be taking some marketing classes/seminars about this whole twitter thing and I'll let you know if it's any good.

Any one out there Twittering? What are your thoughts on this whole Twitter business?


  1. It is good for you to be on Twitter because all my friends are there. Now I can tell them to check the site out.

  2. Hi Kathe,

    I'm glad to see you on Twitter! Very good way to promote your blog. =)
