Monday, January 18, 2010

About: 5 business lessons you can learn from your kids...

I read a blog post titled "5 Lessons About Small Business You Can Learn From Your Kids" Those five lessons were:

1. You CAN Do It! We tell our kids this, but we often forget that we can do "it" ourselves.

2. Make Stuff from Stuff Kids will play with anything. They don't need fancy toys. You've seen your kids play with the box that their toys cam in and the wrapping paper. As an Entrepreneur, take somebody else's "box" and make it better.

3. Play Well With Others-- Create partnerships. Just the other day when Les and I were at a dinner hosted by the USC Entrepreneur organization, I encouraged an entrepreneur to use his contacts to form a really strong "Advisory Board". Use your contacts.

4. Be A Rockstar When You Grow Up Really this just means be creative.

5. Kids as Muses and Testers Hmmm, I'm not too sure about this one. I don't usually work with businesses that kids would be good testers for but to each his own I guess...

All in all their was some good information, but it might not feel as relevant to those of us without kids. For more information, you can go to the blog post at:

What do you think?